Thursday, October 14, 2010

Picture Books Obsolete?

The New York Times recently published an article called "Picture Books No Longer a Staple for Children". What is your opinion?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can You Pick the Printz?

Since we're holding a Mock Newbery challenge, why not hold a Mock Printz challenge as well? Again we'll read the books on the following list and pick our individual winner a week before the Midwinter conference. Join us!

printz award
You by Charles Benoit

Shipbreaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

Under a Red Sky by Haya Molnar

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco X. Stork

Nothing by Janne Teller

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Neil Armstrong is My Uncle & Other Lies Muscle Man McGinty Told Me By Nan Marino

This is a terrific historical/realistic fiction from the early 1970’s before we had the computer/information explosion thrust upon us, and another great story written by a librarian! Set in the summer of 1969, when Jack Lalane, TV, letter writing, and Vietnam were on America’s radar. Readers get to experience the Apollo moonwalk as well as learn some hard facts of life along with 12 year old, Tammy Simpson. Tammy “lost” her best friend, exactly 45 days ago, to be with her biological mother. Muscle Man is the new foster kid that moves in next door, and just can’t seem to tell the truth. It's Tammy's job to expose this kid and all of his lies, she thinks.

The Night Fairy by Laura Amy Schlitz 117 pages

Third person fantasy about, “Flory,” a night fairy who must adapt to her new “day fairy” status when a bat accidentally nips her wings, and causes her to live in a new garden. Great example of living within changing circumstances, empathy, and helping others. High-level vocabulary discussed (such as suet, torpor) as well as habits and environments of various garden animals. Gorgeous color illustrations, rich with detail to bring this new world to life for the reader.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Can You Pick the Newbery?

Here at Sunset a few of us are going to participate in a Mock Newbery contest. The Newbery winner will be announced in January 2011 (I couldn't find the exact date). Here is the list of ten books that we plan to read and choose our winner from. I gleaned these titles from looking at other libraries Mock Newbery programs. These were the most mentioned titles. We plan to read them all (there are only 10) and then make our individual choices for the winner the week before the announcement. Feel free to join us or let us know of other books you think should be considered.

Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson

Keeper by Kathi Appelt

Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper

Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine

Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm

The Water Seeker by Kimberly Holt

The Night Fairy by Laura Schlitz

The Dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan

Countdown by Deborah Wiles

One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia